Jan 19, 2024
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As a car owner, you know how much time you spend in your car, whether running errands or commuting to work. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance to maintain it properly. Our dealership offers expert car maintenance services by certified technicians to ensure that your vehicle remains reliable, fuel-efficient, and safe for many years.

Essential Services: The Importance of Regular Car Maintenance at Your Dealership


Scheduled maintenance, such as fluid corrections and oil changes, ensures the proper lubrication of the moving components, improving your vehicle’s overall performance. Our certified technicians conduct comprehensive inspections of your car’s systems and components during each maintenance service to ensure that everything functions correctly and your vehicle is in top-running condition.


Regularly servicing your car according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and following the prescribed maintenance intervals can keep your vehicle’s systems in excellent working order. The technician will inspect your car’s systems and components to check everything is in proper working order and promptly detect and resolve any issues before they escalate into major problems.

Keeping track of your vehicle’s maintenance services will ensure you enjoy peace of mind that your car will always get you and your passengers wherever you want to go.


Conducting regular fluid level checks and battery inspections and allowing certified technicians to perform maintenance services according to the recommended schedule is essential. Taking good care of your car means it will serve you well for many years.


A certified technician will detect potential safety issues and perform the necessary repairs before they become hazards that could lead to a road accident.

Fuel Efficiency

When your vehicle’s systems and components are well-maintained and lubricated, your car will burn less fuel. To ensure fuel efficiency, schedule regular oil changes and air filter replacements and change the spark plugs at the recommended mileage intervals. By keeping your engine well-tuned, you can significantly reduce the amount of fuel your car consumes. 

Reduced Repair Costs

Regular vehicle inspections allow certified technicians to address existing issues and anticipate potential problems before they become more severe and become costly repairs and replacements. This proactive approach can help you save a considerable amount of money in the long run.

Warranty Protection

Following the service schedule, the manufacturer recommends if your vehicle is still under warranty. Ensure certified technicians always maintain your vehicle at an authorized service center, not void the warranty. 

Higher Resale Value

Keeping up with your car’s maintenance intervals and ensuring the service records are always up-to-date will increase your vehicle’s resale value, ensuring you get more money if you decide to sell your car.

Prevention is better than cure, and maintenance costs are lower than unexpected repairs. Contact Bommarito Automotive Group in Ellisville, MO, today to schedule a maintenance service, and our certified technicians will ensure your vehicle is in tip-top condition.